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20 Japanese Social Etiquettes That You Would Never Guess

Had an interesting talk with the owner of a local ramen house who lived in Japan all her life until a few years ago. Here is what she shared about some different cultural norms.Prepare for culture shock!

1. People usually bite popsicles in Japan, not lick them

Nichijou © Kyoto Animation

2. Japanese people usually don’t wear deodorant. Instead they wipe themselves with wet wipes or wear perfume.

Tamako Market © Kyoto Animation

3. Any speck of dirty inside your toilet bowl is considered very, very gross

Soul Eater © Bones

4. It’s considered rude to eat and walk at the same time

Nichijou © Sunrise

5. Don’t put your head down to eat from a bowl or plate because you’ll look like a dog eating. Pick up your bowl/plate

Dragon Ball Z © Toei Animation

6. Japanese people eat with chopsticks using only the right hand

Clannad © Kyoto Animation

7. It's improper to dip sushi that comes with sauce on it in soy sauce

8. Slurp your noodles, even if they are cold noodles with no soup

9. Calling someone fat is not considered rude

One Piece © Toei Animation


10. Most bras in Japan are frilly, girly, and kinda poofy

They wear undershirts which helps the bras not stick out or show through your top shirt.
Mawaru Penguin Drum © Brain's Base

11. Goodbye hugs or kisses aren’t part of the culture

K-On! © Kyoto Animation

12. It’s rude to talk on your phone on the train

13. If someone is crazy, being abusive, or making advances on you the correct way of dealing with them is ignoring them.

If you respond to them, it can be considered that you’re engaging or even encouraging them
Hyouka © Kyoto Animation

14. Don’t wear your shoes inside the changing room at stores, take them off so you don't get the floor dirty

Free! © Kyoto Animation

15. Take your shoes off inside the entranceway of the house and make sure you leave your shoes facing the door

16. Umbrellas aren’t just for rain, they’re for sun as well.

17. Japanese girls shave their forearms, the vellum hair all over their face, and often get laser hair removal surgery for their armpits.

(They don’t tend to remove hair from their privates)
 © Evagelion & Schick

18. Japanese people often don’t eat the skin on fruit or take direct bites from it.

You peel and cut it. You even peel grapes

19. It’s rude to not finish your rice and leave extra.

Try to tell your host that you want a smaller portion if you're eating at home
5 Centimeter Per Second © CoMix Wave, Inc

20. The law until recently didn’t require people in the backseat of a car to wear seatbelts so many people still don’t wear seatbelts

Shiki © Daume

source : goboiano

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